National Curriculum Links:

Where you see this picture, clic on it to return to this page.
To develop their understanding of fiction, poetry and drama, pupils should be taught to:

  1. identify and describe characters, events and settings _in fiction
  2. use their knowledge of sequence and story language when they are retelling stories and predicting events
  3. express preferences, giving reasons
  4. learn, recite and act out stories and poems
  5. identify patterns of rhythm, rhyme and sounds in poems and their effects
  6. respond imaginatively in different ways to what they read [for example, using the characters from a story in drama, writing poems based on ones they read, showing their understanding through art or music].

    Instructions for teachers: 
    Always ensure you read the e-safety guidelines available on this website. 
    Click here to access this sites e-safety page which is aimed at children, but it is also good for you to check this over also.  The link below is for adults to look at and gives tips on what you can do to ensure children's safety while using the internet.

    Follow the link below to find out key points about what you can do to stay safe while surfing the internet:

    Teachers e-safety resources.

    The following breaks down the objectives and tasks within each page and aids you to help differentiate how you would use this site within your teaching.
    This page allows you and children to download activity sheets in relation to the Jolly Postman story and for them to complete.  The worksheets are very self explanatory with objectives or questions in written form on the sheets for children to follow.  There is also a lot of visual aid work to help children who may struggle with reading.

    This part of the website allows children to link to another site which gives key points and advice on how to stay safe against the dangers of online surfing. Also it provides guidance on what measures can be carried to preserve computers against any threats.  The link is to the BBC website in which children can watch video of a character called Dongle which asks children to take part as the video goes and teaches them what they need to do to stay safe online.  The page also has some written information for children to read.  Feel free to check these out before children use the site.

    This section includes a variety of games for children to take part in.  All with literacy learning at their core.  Each game has links to a National Curriculum strand and specific learning points.  For each game there are National Curriculum links and a breakdown of what Literacy skills children will be applying while taking part, these are outlined below:

    Type and Pop - skills used: word and letter recognition, segmenting, blending and recreating the words correctly.  Children are largely using and applying their reading skills.
    NC Links -
    KS1 EN2 - 1a, b, c, f

    Wild West Phonics - here there is a link to the phonics game on the bbc bitesize webpage.  For this game there are three levels of ability to choose (medium, hard and really hard), here you can specify to specific children which level you wish them to take part in - differentiating the task.  Children in the game have to listen to the word and they must select the missing sound from the word - skills used - children use key phonics and reading skills, they need to listen, segment and blend words given.
    NC Links - KS1 EN1 - 9c and EN2 - 1a, b, c, f 

    Postman Pat Mission game - Children can get their own special delivery service license.  They can watch the training videos to help and then complete the games to see how good they are at delivery and the parcel dash.  Game allows children to develop directional language as well as using their fine motor skills and the use of a keyboard.  Children can work through the videos and work toward a final goal.  Children also need to use their reading ability at times to read the different labels and station names.  However, the postman character talks children through the whole thing as well as text being available to read also.
    NC Links - EN1 - 9c and Ma3 - 3a, b    

    The Jolly Quiz:
    This page of the site includes a variety of questions related to the story of the Jolly Postman's journey.  This activity relates to children listening to the story on the site and answering the questions, this targets their comprehension skills.  Also the results of the quiz one completed by a student will be emailed to the creator of the website in which teachers will be able to get in touch to access children's scores.  This will allow teachers to see how well they have responded to a text.
    NC Links - En2 - 3a, b, d

    This page allows children to watch videos related to the Jolly Postman theme and characters and then they must answer the questions about the video they have just watched.  This helps to develop children's comprehension skills further and the interactive resource can be used to expand learning in the classroom further.  On the worksheet page, there is a page available for children to create their own script for their own Jolly Postman journey which can be printed and completed in the classroom.  Present on this page also is a link for children to do a film review. 

    Listen to the story:
    This page allows children to either re-read or listen to the story.  Pictures of the book are in place and text is shown.  Children can either read the text themselves or they can listen to the story being read to them by clicking on the ear icon for them to hear and follow the story.  Therefore this can allow for some differentiation, you may wish to ask some children to read on their own the story, or if you have some children who find reading difficult can listen to the story instead.  However it still develops reading skills with the sounds, as children can listen and follow the words using their finger.
    NC Links - En1 - 9c and En2 6c

    Slide show:
    This page allows for children to look through a slide slow, they simply need to press play on the slide show and it will show different pictures of characters, parts from the book, letters and more.  This page of the site is just a little piece for children to look at, there are not tasks attached to this but you could use it within class as a talking point or part of a lesson or task you have planned.

    There are many tasks and activities on this website which you can ask children to complete or print off and complete to assess their learning and knowledge.  There is also the Jolly Quiz which can be used to assess what children have remembered from the story and assess their comprehension level.  The results of all children's completed quizzes can be forwarded to the practitioner if needed to use for assessment.  There are a lot of activities children can be involved with and these activities can be used in the classroom also.  APP reading documents have been attached to the link below in which include factors for levels 1 and 2, you can use the work children are completing on this site and mark against the level sheet.

    APP reading sheets levels 1 and 2    

Glossary:  This allows children to find out the meaning of some words they do not know in the story.  These words will be highlighted in green in the text of the story on the listen to the story page and will have a link to the glossary page for children to find meaning.  Children will be applying their knowledge of non-fiction books and how to use a glossary.