                      The Jolly Postman

Welcome to the Jolly Postman site.  Here you will
find lots of fun activities all about the Jolly

Postman book you have read.

Just click on the links to the pages at the top of the screen and get started!

Hello!  Press play to listen to the postman's helper below and find out about this site.

This site allows children to apply their literacy skills and knowledge in a range of tasks and activities.  The website is aimed toward children in year 2 and focuses on comprehension.  The tasks are related to the story and characters and children can develop in phonics skills, reading, word recognition, segmenting and blending and comprehension. 

There are National Curriculum Links for each activity and page, majority of tese are literacy links with some other cross curricular links which will be stated on the teachers page.  Now get started by selecting a page and away you go!